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Regular Exercise

How regular exercise affects our body

“Exercising is good for health”. “We should exercise regularly.” “Regular exercise will keep you fit and healthy.” These are some of the common statements that we hear frequently from our parents, friends, well-wishers. Well, most of us know about this but still do not get into action. A scientific and logical explanation behind the regular exercise regime might motivate us to live a long healthy life.

Benefits of regular physical exercise

Let us understand what magical benefits these two words “Regular Exercise” have on our body both physically and mentally. Well, this is one of the core habits that every successful person follows and anyone who is looking to develop self-discipline should follow any exercise regime on a regular basis.

We all are aware of the common saying that “Healthy mind lives in a healthy body.” Regular exercise is something that will result in both a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. Yes, let us dive deep into it and know the facts.

Physical benefits are immense and get visible by naked eye after 1-2 months of the regular practice. You look better, gain muscle strength, and look fit. After a week or initial few days, you start feeling more alert and energized. It is because of the increase in the flow of oxygen to the brain due to increased physical activity.

Regular exercise produces feel-good endorphins in your body. These are natural endogenous cannabinoids which increase your feeling of well being. If you regularly exercise, you will start feeling happy, more motivated, and less depressed.

During this phase, a lot of other things start happening inside your body which will have long term physical benefits. Increased metabolism, improved cardiovascular and respiratory system, reduction in health risk factors, bone health improvement, and reduced obesity are some of them.

Increase in metabolic rate – Metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories. The actual metabolic rate depends on the intensity of the exercise you do. The body’s metabolic rate remains enhanced even after the workout session is completed as your body uses energy to repair muscles and replenish glycogen storage. You tend to feel more energized, focused, and confident after a few days/weeks of regular exercise.

Cardiovascular improvement – When you are exercising, your heart starts to beat faster, pumping more blood to the muscles you are using. Regular exercise increases the size of your heart and the muscles that surround your heart get strengthen. This further reduces the chances of a heart attack.

During exercise, the kind of hormones produced increases the natural immunity of the body, uplifts the mood and overall quality of life. We tend to fall less sick and recover quickly if at all infected and it increases your chances of living longer.

Respiratory Improvement – With regular exercising, you develop more red blood cells which improve your ability to bring more oxygen to your muscles. Your lung works harder to make this happen and your lungs become stronger and better at supplying your body the oxygen that it needs.

Regular exercise increases our level of concentration, our brain tends to work more efficiently and it promotes the development of new brain cells. Regular exercise can improve your memory and attention span. Over time, the part of the brain involved in memory and learning seems to get bigger and we tend to work efficiently and finish work quickly thereby resulting in a sense of fulfilment and live a happier life.

Regular Exercise Benefits

There is a misconception that exercise causes weight loss. Rather combined physical activity with a balanced diet helps you reach and gain healthy weight. Regular exercise will help you gain muscle strength and overtime you build your physic and look better and fit. It is important to work for 2.5 hours of moderate exercise in a weak to get desired results. It further alleviates your quality of life and increased life expectancy.

There are other benefits of regular exercise too. Research has shown that regular exercise helps people fall asleep faster and enjoy a deeper sleep. It is one such practice that helps you quit addiction like smoking, alcohol, etc. It helps people to handle stress, depression, and anxiety in a better way.

Regular exercising saves you money by reducing down the trips to the hospital and also money spent on buying prescription drugs. Regular exercising will change the trajectory of your life, it will not only give you a happier life today but will also protect you from various incurable diseases at zero cost.

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